


这个新的65的功能,982-square-foot facility at Joint Base 和rews is to accommodate the consolidation of the 1st 直升机中队(1HS)和811th 行动支援中队(811 OSS)的一个最先进的设施.


The 直升机操作设施 is located in a critical area of the Joint Base 和rews installation. It resides just north of the Air Force One Hangar and is sandwiched between the active airfield taxiways and Arnold Avenue, which serves as the ceremonial procession route for the President of the 美国 and guests as they drive to the White House. 我们的目标是建立一个新的, 这是安德鲁斯联合基地未来发展的美学基准, with careful attention to detail and acknowledging the best features of adjacent buildings. We focused on high-quality finishes while complying with the requirements of the base’s Architectural Compliance Plan (ACP). 新设施是一个干净美观的设计回应, adhering to the base aesthetic requirements while offering a new standard in architectural design in this critical area of Joint Base 和rews.


在设计过程的早期, the team realized there was a better way to secure the facility that offered both functional and economical value to the customer. 因为基地租户的任务要求, the building itself had to be located on the secure side of the perimeter fence that separates the flight line from the rest of the base. The Government’s request for proposal (RFP) required the secure fence to be extended around the building to include a new vertical pedestrian turnstile, ADA可访问的港口, 还有一个滑动门供车辆进入模拟器舱. Our enhanced solution was to physically tie the secure fence to the northwest and southeast corners of the newly constructed facility and move the secure access point to the front door of the facility, 这样就可以取消行人转门了, ADA无障碍港口, 滑动车门. 有了这个设计方案, 哈斯克尔退还了49美元的货款,237给客户删除这些元素.

  • 65,982平方英尺,两层,钢结构,靠近机场滑行道
  • 37,724平方英尺的办公和行政面积
  • 安全,认证符合ICD-705标准的设施
  • 5160平方英尺的SAPF空间
  • 高湾设施,5吨容量的桥式起重机
  • 飞机模拟器大到足以容纳一架UH-1N直升机
  • 睡觉的地方
  • 有男女更衣室的健身中心
  • 反恐/武力保护爆炸载荷标准
  • 110个停车位
  • 等待LEED®银牌
  • 联合建造商及承建商卓越建造奖
  • 建筑商及承建商协会明日环保奖
  • UFC 1-200-02高性能和可持续建筑要求
  • 特殊的场地雨水保留,避免径流进入敏感的水道
  • 抗旱原生景观
  • 闭孔喷雾绝缘特殊空气, 热和蒸汽屏障,具有优越的湿度控制
  • 增加行政区域和走廊的自然采光
  • 高太阳反射率屋顶系统,减少热岛效应
  • High efficiency VRF system to minimize energy use while providing thermal comfort to various demands, 节省32%和506,765千瓦时/年
  • 减少用水量,节约用水.15%和28%.8法理上/年


澳门足彩app的所有设计和施工人员都非常专业, 知识渊博的, 值得信赖,经验丰富. The collaborative effort between 澳门足彩app's in-house design and construction professionals, NAVFAC的管理和最终用户形成了一流的设施."


澳门足彩app的所有设计和施工人员都非常专业, 知识渊博的, 值得信赖,经验丰富. The collaborative effort between 澳门足彩app's in-house design and construction professionals, NAVFAC的管理和最终用户形成了一流的设施."


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